

Microscopic view of MEMS resonator

2007: A Breakthrough Process


We transformed the timing industry by creating the MEMS First™ and EpiSeal™ processes. Not only were we able to clean and seal MEMS resonators without exposing them to outside contaminants; we were the first to manufacture MEMS resonators in high volume. As a result, silicon-based timing devices became a reliable alternative to quartz timing devices.


sitMHZ Resonator

2011: Immunity to Shock and Vibration


sitparts with Caliber

2013: The Smallest Timing Device

Our MEMS solutions make bulky quartz timing devices seem like a thing from the Stone Age. We were the first to use chip-scale packages for timing (CSP), enabling tiny oscillators smaller than a pinhead. And because MEMS is made of silicon (and quartz isn’t), we can take advantage of the latest packaging techniques from the semiconductor industry without massive investment.

Tempflat Silime.

2013: Beating Quartz at Temperature

温度影响振荡器的性能,这可能导致呼叫或丢失的GPS连接。为了解决这个问题,我们创建了Tempflat MEMS™,这比石英的准确性好两倍。作为一个额外的奖励,本发明降低了功耗,从而实现了电子设备的更长的电池寿命。


2016: The World's Only Resonator and Temperature Sensor on the Same Chip

Components turn on and heat up a device. Fans turn on and cool the system. These temperature changes impact the performance of electronics. That's why we introduced DualMEMS™, which places a resonator and temperature sensor on the same chip. This invention makes our devices even more stable in the face of fast temperature ramps – something that quartz cannot do.

