SiT5348 Datasheet

SIT5348是一种精密MEMS Super-TCXO,优化为0°C至70°C的±50 ppb稳定性。它在更必威体育官网手机登录宽的温度范围内(低至-40°C且高达105°C)支持±100ppb稳定性。设计用于最佳动态性能,是高可靠性电信,无线和网络,工业,精密GNSS和音频/视频应用的理想选择。

利用SiTime独特的DualMEMS™温度ensing and TurboCompensation™ technologies, the SiT5348 delivers the best dynamic performance for timing stability in the presence of environmental stressors such as air flow, temperature perturbation, vibration, shock, and electromagnetic interference. This device also integrates multiple on-chip regulators to filter power supply noise, eliminating the need for a dedicated external LDO.

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